bordel lands


Drián is a young man from the parish of Sarandóns who turned the gradual abandonment of the lands of his parish into an opportunity. I had been observing that in Burdel (Sarandóns Parish – Abegondo City Council) every year there were more plots of work without working.
It is then when he decides to start in horticultural production as a means of work that, while providing employment, allowed him to fulfill one of his illusions: to value the agricultural lands of his parish.
After acquiring experience in family plots, at the beginning of the year 2018 it grants its activity a professional character by registering in the Registry of Agricultural Holdings of Galicia.
It currently has about 8,000 m2 of open air production, pending the incorporation of 2-3 more hectares shortly.
Its client portfolio is divided between small @ froitería in the city of A Coruña and hotel establishments in neighboring municipalities.
Once you have acquired some stability in sales, you have also planned to start production under cover.

bordel lands

  • Persoa de contacto: Adrián Taboada Ares
  • Teléfono: 683391250
  • Enderezo electrónico:
