Finca Bouzón

In the year 1997, Isabel López Chamorro, decided to make a course of ecological agriculture to grow a small vegetable garden for self consumption.

After this experience, he discovered how much he liked farming done in an ecological way, as well as traditions and life in the rural.

One day talking to a friend told him that he needed someone to cultivate for him, because, because of his work, he did not have the time to have an orchard for self consumption. So he proposed to Isabel to increase the area of ​​greenhouse before being able to buy part of its production.

And Isabel did so, gradually increasing the number of greenhouses and cultivating more land abroad until she had to hire a person to be able to sell at fairs, stores and individuals.

After constantly increasing the number of customers, he decided to set up a store in A Coruña (Horta + Sá), to cover all these needs.

Its store is a reference of sale in fresh and also has a conscientious role, always informs to the clients of the benefits of the healthy diet.
In Horta + Sá they have all kinds of fresh organic products, with special emphasis on local products. The great part of the fresh products comes from its own ecological farm (Finca Bouzón S.C).

Finca Bouzón

  • Contact person: Isabel López Chamorro
  • Phone: 696786872-981285021
  • Email:
  • Dirección: Rúa Pedrouzo, 11.15310 Teixeiro (Curtis)